
Seven Year Switch's Cassie fears for her family's future after being hit by deep financial strife.

After a long period of hardship, Seven Year Switch couple Cassie and Ryan have revealed yet another struggle the family of five must face: Ryan has lost his job.

After a mere 11 weeks employed, a Gold Coast electrical company informed Ryan that he had been made redundant following cut backs.

The news was received via text message, which Cassie then made public via the couple’s Instagram account.

“Text message from husband to say that his boss has kindly (????) made him redundant and he has a weeks notice!!” she shared.

“Obviously not entitled to any kind of package because he has only been there for two seconds.”

Done with today thank you very much universe ???? First EFF U – Text message from husband to say that his boss has kindly (????) made him redundant and he has a weeks notice!! Obviously not entitled to any kind of package because he has only been there for two seconds. Second EFF U – Then pickup my emotional 10 year old from school who is having a meltdown because she got into trouble at school for the first time ever, and now thinks that her life isn’t worth living because she had a hard day! Someone up there is testing this family… Think it’s time for Mumma to go back to work!! 3 steps forward and 5 steps back ???? #wishiwasadrinker #stressed #jobhunting #herewegoagain #ponderinglife #adulting #life #struggle #isittomorrowyet #done #ryanandcass

A photo posted by Ryan And Cass (@ryanandcass) on

Following the post, Cassie revealed to The Daily Mail that she fears for the financial future of their family, particularly after only giving birth to daughter Mena in June.

“It’s been a tough week,” she told Daily Mail Australia.

“Our relationship has already been strained over the last month due to the new arrival as new babies tend to do to couples and now with this we are really going to be tested once again.

“When Ryan found a full time job after the show it really relieved the financial stress in our relationship and things between us were better than they had been in over four years.”

“But now, on top of a brand new baby and two other little mouths to feed and not knowing when the next pay cheque will come in, it is quite scary to even think about.”

The reality star even revealed that the couple may not even be able to afford their rent.

“We have minimal savings to fall back on and I’m not even sure how we will afford to pay our rent in a few weeks time.”

In light of this financial turmoil, Cassie has realised that in order to support her family, she will have to return to the workforce, writing via Instagram:

“Someone up there is testing this family… Think it’s time for Mumma to go back to work!”

The mum of three has stated that she in no way blames her husband for their money woes.

The couple is no stranger to hard times and loss, as they lost their baby, Dex, who was born still born in 2012. Since then, the pair are making a documentary with Still Birth Foundation in order to bring awareness to the tragedy.

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