Amelia’s son is in love with the gay Warbler called Blaine from the all-singing TV show Glee.
That’s as surprising as bread at a bakery, says Amelia, because Blaine is a pretty handsome fellow. So the shock for many doesn’t come there. It’s the fact her son is seven-years-old.
So she blogged about it, anonymously, and then the Huffington Post picked it up. And then the world got involved.
And that’s where all the drama started. Parents saying she was encouraging her son to be gay, that she and her husband brain-washed him, that a seven-year-old couldn’t possibly be gay. And Amelia has calmly brushed aside all of that when the messages of support came flooding in. Thousands upon thousands, many adults saying ‘I knew when I was a kid, too’.
That’s when Amelia came to the conclusion that she’d been invited into the inner sanctum.
“It got me thinking and after awhile I started to feel like I knew this big secret that shouldn’t be a secret at all: Every gay adult used to be a gay kid. It’s not as if all children start off as straight until some time later when someone flips the gay switch. We are who we are from the very moment we are born.”
But you really need to hear her story in her own words.
Here’s part of a transcript from an interview Amelia did with ABC Radio National’s Life Matters:
Q: How did you, your son indicate that he had a crush on this very handsome high school student character?