
The 7 best instant self-tanners for people who can never be bothered to fake tan.

Image: iStock.

With summer almost a distant memory and any genuine tan all but faded, fake tan becomes a loyal friend to many.

But what happens if you don’t want to commit to three days of good tan and many more looking patchy and blotchy? Or if you simply cannot be bothered investing the time to slather on the product night after night?

Enter wash-off self-tanners.

RELATED: Common mistakes people make when applying fake tan

Perfect for commitment phobes who are looking for a one-night only affair, they provide instant colour, make you feel like a bronzed goddess for a few hours, then are easily washed off in the shower (meaning no streaky bed sheets!).

They’re also great for people like me who are deathly pale and wouldn’t mind a bit of bronzed confidence when the rare occasion comes (especially in the cooler months) when we’re forced to bare our, well, bare legs.

Did we mention they’re actually natural looking too? (Post continues after gallery).

Like their more permanent counterparts, some preparation is required for best results.

As usual, (if you remember!) exfoliate the day before and moisturise anywhere you plan to apply the tan too.

The trick to instant tan is to ensure skin is completely dry before applying as body lotion and wash off tans do not mix. You have been warned.

RELATED: Confession: “I plan to forcibly fake-tan my groom.”

Luckily most of these hydrate your skin as well as adding a nice glow, so you don’t need to worry about dry, lizard-like legs.

To avoid awkward patches around your ankles and knees, bend them while applying to make sure the whole area is well covered.

One problem wash off tan doesn’t solve? Staining on your hands. If, like me, you end up with hands that look like you’ve been playing with mud in the garden, resist the urge to panic wash them and instead (calmly) cover your hands with a dollop of body lotion before rinsing – it will end a lot better, promise.

Fake Tan
Instant glow without the commitment? We like. Image via Wikipedia.


After allowing about 10 to 15 minutes for the colour to dry, get dressed, add a fresh swipe of lipstick and enjoy a fabulous night.

When you return home, (let's face it, probably feeling a little worse for wear), simply hop in the shower, scrub with soap and your tan will wash away. Easy.

Because if you don't want to pay for an evening out with a whole week of streaky-looking skin, wash-off fake tan is the one night affair of your faux tanning dreams.

What's your favourite wash off tan? Got any tips for flawless streak-free tans everytime?

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