
Senator's "shocking" two-word email to a Sydney woman has Pauline Hanson applauding.


Send an email to Senator Brian Burston and you’ll receive an automatic reply that concludes, “Thank you once again for taking the time to contact me. Your comments are important to me.”

But as Sydney woman Chloe Nour discovered today, that’s not exactly true.

This afternoon she sent the Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Senator an email “imploring him to block the lifetime ban on refugees bill”, and within three minutes she had a response.

Just two words:

“Go away.”

Senator Brian Burston's succinct response to Chloe Nour's email. Image: supplied.


"I was so shocked", the 25-year-old told Mamamia after receiving the reply.

"I couldn’t believe a grown man and public servant, who is being paid with my tax dollar to represent my best interests in parliament, would have the audacity to treat a citizen with such disregard and so childishly. A man who has been elected by the people, telling the people to 'go away' is the exact opposite of democracy."

The photographer felt compelled to reach out to NSW senators after Trump's victory in the US election "illuminated how underlying racist, sexist, homophobic, and ill-informed ideologies can quickly gain power and become policy".

For her, the government's proposed lifetime ban on refugees - which would prevent refugees who arrived by boat from ever entering the country - is among them.

"Seeking asylum is a basic human right, and this proposed bill is a deliberately cruel and unusual measure added to already cruel and obscene policies enforced by the Australian government," she said.

senator brain burston email

Chloe Nour argues she has the right to be taken seriously by an elected representative. Image: supplied.

Of the other senators Nour emailed, most sent automated responses. However, Sen. Doug Cameron crafted a lengthy response reiterating Labor's decision to oppose the bill, while an aide to Liberal senator Steve Parry said while he might not agree with her stance he appreciated that she took the time to contact him.

"Senators are representatives of the people, who have been voted into power by the people and it is their duty to represent us in parliament," Nour said.

"It is our responsibility to reach out to our Senators and make sure they put their power to use for the good of the people."

While Senator Burston has not yet responded to Mamamia's request for comment, his boss and the party's founder, Pauline Hanson, has applauded the move. She wrote on Twitter this evening that: "Senator Burston has a great way with words and is always honest. The whole world wants you to take his advice."

Senator Burston's stance on refugees is no secret. In his maiden speech to parliament last month, the New South Welshman argued that the government's increased refugee intake would divert funds from "needy Australians": "Experience tells us that many of these refugees will be unemployed for extended periods, as will their children, and impact negatively on our society."


He also linked the fact that refugees are not assessed on their "employability or cultural compatibility" to "carjackings, home invasions, flash riots and drive-by shootings".

You can read his entire speech here.

"Go away" - Senator Brian Burston.

It should be noted that Nour's email to the Senator contained some strong words. She wrote, "I understand that you are a One Nation Party senator, which obviously means you are a racist, close minded, outdated neanderthal but I’m hoping that somewhere in your hateful, horrible heart there is a tiny smidgen of goodness that is willing to do the right thing and BLOCK the Life Time Ban On Refugees Bill – as is your duty."

But, frankly, Nour thinks she was "being polite".

"Those are not accusations or insults. Simply facts. The One Nation Party's horrible, hateful, close minded, racist and outdated policies reiterate this," she said.

"The right question is, are WE insulted by their hateful policies?! How shocked and offended do we have to become before we hold these people and their party accountable and actually stand up for what is right and just."

Nour also argued that regardless of her wording, her email deserved consideration: "It is my democratic right to express my concerns with my senate representatives, and be taken seriously."

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