real life

'I am looking for a new job for the first time in 11 years and I’m petrified.'

I’m approaching 40 and have no idea who I am… it cuts deep.

Let me be clear, I don't have amnesia. I know the boxes I tick in society (identifying as a straight female, mum of two kids, wife of one husband and I will turn 39 this year) but I don’t know who I am. I have no idea what the hell I’m supposed to do when I grow up. 

My teenage self would be sad and ashamed if she had a glimpse at this future. I was never a straight-A student, but I was always curious, smart and ‘full of potential’.

Watch: Ask Mia Anything | Mia & Anxiety. Story continues below.

Video via Mamamia

I finished high school, travelled alone, worked overseas, and went to uni. I also got married, had kids, worked part-time and full-time, then — in an effort to create a more balanced and flexible family — I resigned from my job to ‘help’ in my husband’s business.

It is not lost on me how very fortunate I was to have had those opportunities and options. I was able to voluntarily resign from my paid employment to work part-time in my husband’s tradie business. Not many people have the luxury of doing that, and I am genuinely grateful for that. 


Before you get too judgy-judgy, by no means was it a financially easy or carefree road. Our experience was messy and varied — truth be told — I never liked working in my husband’s business and I was never any good at it. However, it did afford me many priceless opportunities, like attending school Easter hat parades and other middle-of-the-working day school events.

It also contributed to a serious strain in my marriage, some regrettable parenting choices and how I connected with my kids. Most frighteningly, it absolutely changed my relationship with myself. Over time, my own sense of self and who I am has faded. 

As the economy has it, we can no longer afford to live on the one income stream. For the first time in nearly 11 years, I am looking for a new job and I’m petrified. 

Since my last stint in the workforce, my world feels so small — I don’t go on social media because I’m not ‘doing anything’ with my life that’s worth posting. My skills need updating, and as for my strengths and weaknesses or what I like, or my hobbies, or interests, I really don’t know anymore.

I can’t think of an answer without long pauses and questioning anything that comes to mind. I can’t remember who I am, I hesitate and shrink when I look at myself. It makes me sad to think of myself like this. I get lost in my thoughts and wonder if other women feel the same as me. Or if I am just the most insufferable human ever?! 


This morning, I took a strong hard look at my reality versus my thoughts. Somewhere along the way, I became comfortable in my existence. But I don’t want to just ‘exist’ anymore. For the first time in a long time I feel like it’s enough and I want to step out of the role I’ve been hiding behind, and step into well, me. Just me. 

Listen to Fill My Cup, On this episode, we're speaking with psychologist Chris Cheers about the often-forgotten role that caring for others plays when it comes to our overall happiness and fulfilment. Post continues below.

So, I’ve made the choice to lean into this experience — hurt, shame, ownership, and all. I probably could just bypass all that and get a job at Woolies tomorrow. But, I know that sweeping these feelings under the rug will only give me sleepless nights and acne breakouts. 

I am using the discomfort to reinvigorate myself and challenge myself. Somewhere inside (buried under the negative self-talk and bad habits) I know there is a strong woman who can forge ahead and create a new chapter regardless of her backstory. And right there alongside her, there’s that energetic and curious teenage girl, and she’s looking pretty optimistic. 

Feature Image: Supplied

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