
Selena Gomez proves she's the perfect role model for young girls.


I went to a Selena Gomez concert two nights ago, and I still can’t hear properly. Because it turns out the sound of thousands of pre-teen girls screaming is actually quite loud. Who knew?

While I was mostly distracted by the need to dance and click along to Selena’s biggest hits (don’t deny you’ve belted out Hands To Myself or Kill ‘Em With Kindness while driving to work in the car!), there was something else that struck me mid-concert: Selena Gomez is a great role model for our younger girls.


Sure, there was plenty of hair-flipping and costume changes and admittedly, a few sexy dance moves. But Selena Gomez is a positive force in the pop music world, and she’s much more than Taylor Swift’s bestie, or Justin Bieber’s ex. Surrounded by girls who were more than half my age (yes, I did feel old at times, but mostly I had come down with a hard case of YOLO), I overheard a lot of them professing their love for the 24-year-old singer.

It’s your turn tonight, Sydney! #RevivalTour A photo posted by Official Revival Tour (@revivaltour) on Aug 8, 2016 at 10:22pm PDT


“She’s perfect”, “she’s so nice” and “she’s golden” (yes, really), were just some of the gems I heard from the mouths of 11-year-olds about their idol.

And the response when Selena profusely apologised to her Australian fans for having to cancel her 2014 concert? Deafening.

She’s also not afraid to post her true feelings about the industry and competition between artists, writing on Twitter during the height of the Kanye vs. Taylor Swift feud that the world needed “more kindness”.

“Truth is last thing we need right now is hate, in any form,” she wrote.

And if someone who’s not afraid to be themselves, not afraid to have a voice AND not afraid to belt out a banger just happens to put on a kick ass concert in Australia? I’d say that’s a win for us all.

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