
You can now see every post your friends have ever 'liked' on Facebook.

Facebook has recently come out with quite a few hidden features and games that have both entertained and horrified its users. The latest trick to be picked up may just be the biggest yet: searching your friends’ likes.

The feature allows you to search every post or photo your chosen friend has ever liked – granted they haven’t maximised their privacy settings. It also allows users to search every post or photo their friends have liked too.

Unlocking the feature is as easy as typing a few simple phrases into the search bar and deciding whether you’d like to target an individual user or all your friends.

(Source: Original Image.)

To see all the posts a friend has liked:

  1. Go to the search bar, type the phrase: 'posts liked by (name)'
  2. Then click 'see more'.

To see all the photos a friend has liked:

  1. Go to the search bar, type the phrase: 'photos liked by (name)'
  2. Then click 'see more'.
Source: Original Image.

To see all the photos your friends have liked:

  1. Go to the search bar, type the phrase: 'photos liked by my friends'
  2. Then click 'see more'.

To see all the posts your friends have liked:

  1. Go to the search bar, typre the phrase: 'posts liked by my friends'
  2. Then click 'see more'.

The feature comes as part of Facebook's upgraded search engine called the 'Graph Search'.

The 'Graph Search'  is optimised to improve search accuracy by understanding the searcher's intent and contextual meaning.

Happy stalking!

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