I was never close to my sister and now we have kids it’s even worse.
Growing up my sister and I were never super close.
There are nine years between us and smack bang in the middle of us is our brother.
I never felt particularly close to either of them but gradually we became better friends as we got older.
That was until we all had kids.
My brother lives far away, so it’s a different situation but when I fell pregnant before my sister she was incredibly jealous.
I was the baby having a baby. Except I wasn’t actually a baby. I was 25. But I was the first in our family to have a child.
And she hated it.
But she didn’t have to hate me for too long because she announced her own pregnancy just months after.
Of course, she did.
Her son and my daughter are four months apart. Two years later we again shared our pregnancies, this time our daughters were born just a week apart.
And fast forward to today, we each have a two-year-old and a four-year-old.
You would think sharing this time with my sister would be awesome but it’s not. I hate it.
We have completely different parenting styles and I secretly hate the way she parents her children.
Her son still has a bottle and a dummy. HE’S FOUR. He doesn’t need a bottle OR a dummy and most definitely not at four.
And he’s not toilet trained. He’ll be five soon! What is she doing? Get him out of nappies already!
She gives her two-year-old daughter cordial in a bottle. My kids don’t even know what cordial is!
Basically everything we do as parents, we do differently.
I breastfeed, she bottle fed.
I co-slept, she lets them cry it out.