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Wait until you find out what these Mormon Wives get paid.

If the Mormon wives of Utah have taught us anything so far, it’s that clout and cheques often go hand in hand. And these Mormon mummies seem to be raking it in.

The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives has us buzzing with about one million questions. Are the wives still friends? Who else was involved in the 2022 'soft swinging' scandal? When it comes to the behind-the-scenes drama, we have no doubt that all of this will be addressed as the show hits the air. That’s precisely why we are all tuning in.

Watch The Secret Wives of Mormon Wives trailer now. Article continues after video.

Video via Hulu

The question on everyone's lips, is how much do The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives cast get paid?

All of these women have made quite a name for themselves online, whether it be through TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, and it seems the infamous sex scandal has only further launched these influencers into stardom.

For those of you who have not been tuning into the MomTok drama, here's a quick recap.

In 2022, Mormon MomTok was booming with a group of influencers from Utah who were known for wholesome lifestyle and family content. All this came to a standstill when one member of the group, Taylor Frankie Paul, announced her divorce while revealing she had been engaging in 'soft swinging' within her group of married friends.


Safe to say, the drama was drama-ing, so much so that Hulu created an entire show to take us behind the scenes in these women's lives. In Australia, it's airing on Disney Plus.

Whitney Leavitt doing a promotion on her Instagram. Image: Instagram/whitleavitt

With such large social media followings, it comes as no surprise that these women are making bank while documenting their family lives.

"It’s hard because each year is different. You could get a really big brand deal like, 'Hey, we want to have like a six-month contract with you.' and then next year you don’t get it at all," Whitney Leavitt, Mormon Wives reality star told E!News.


"We both have gotten one — we can’t say what it was — but we’ve gotten a deal that was $75,000 [for] one year," her co-star, Mayci Neeley added.

Whitney commented that one of her bigger deals was for $20,000 and it was to promote a sex toy on her social media.

When asked if the swinging sex scandal affected their personal businesses, Whitney vehemently shut the speculation down.

"Oh no!" Whitney said to E! News. "If anything it just gave us more publicity to be honest with you."

"It’s kind of a mix though," Mayci added, "I threw an event for my business launch that I did on the show and I had a couple of vendors that almost pulled out because they’re like, 'Wait, are you in that swinging stuff?' So, I think reputation-wise it took a little bit of a hit, but income-wise I don’t think it really affected us."

Mayci Neeley taking a selfie on Instagram. Image: Instagram/maycineeley


You heard it straight from the horse’s mouth: these girls are indeed on some impressive paychecks.

Although we have yet to get confirmation from their other Mormon Wives cast mates about their salaries, I'm sure theirs are not looking to shabby either.

Listen to The Quicky's episode on the Mormon Wives here. Post continues below.

What are The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' cast salaries on the show?

When it comes to how much the girls are being paid on The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives show itself, unfortunately, we don't currently have those numbers.

But judging by how much they make doing their day jobs, their combined social followings, and how much hype there is surrounding this new series, we're thinking they're doing okay.

Feature Image: Disney/Fred Hayes.

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