I’ve been a mum for nearly two years. I have a three month old girl and a 20 month old boy. And wow, what a rollercoaster ride motherhood has been so far.
I’m pretty proud of myself. My babies are happy and healthy. I’ve adjusted okay to being a stay and work at home mum. I love my kids more than anything and am in awe of the little people they’re becoming. I’m happy with how my husband and I are raising them.
But, I wish we’d done a few things differently.
There are a few things I regret not doing with our firstborn, things we’re rectifying this time around with our baby girl, some because of circumstance and some deliberately.
More baby wearing
Feeling a wee babe’s heart beating on your chest as you carry them around is one of the best feelings, and holding them close is so good for bonding. We did a bit of this with our first, but are doing a lot more of it with our second (plus, it leaves our hands free for toddler wrangling!).
Less worry
We worried about every little cough, sneeze, skin blemish and developmental stage first time around. These days, we’re going with the flow a lot more. Yes, this could have something to do with the fact that we’ve “been there and done it”, or that we have next to no time to google it.
Less routine
We followed a routine for our boy, and it worked really well. However, I was quite obsessed with it. As in, down to the minute. Yes, he was sleeping through by four months, which was brilliant. But because I stressed about every little detail of his schedule it drove me (not to mention my husband) up the wall.
So with our girl, she’s on a routine, but I’m a lot more blase about it. Plus, she has to just go with the flow, to some extent, because of daycare dropoffs and other activities for our toddler. She’s flexible and that’s the way I like it!
Watch The Motherish confessions: What were your first thoughts on seeing your baby?