
Mamamia Recommends: Perth’s new interactive kids’ exhibition celebrating clever technology.

Thanks to our brand partner, Scitech

In the '90s, school classes about science and technology didn't mean much more to me than bunsen burners, an uninterested teacher, and copious amounts of theory. 

As technology now powers every corner of their worlds and STEM is widely encouraged and celebrated, my daughters’ experiences are very different – they are absolutely fascinated by it all. 

As a competitive sprinter, my 12-year-old is all about ways to improve strength, wind resistance and performance. My 3-year-old has found her voice, so she loves anything that projects and amplifies it. 

Honestly, the light in their eyes when they discover something new is everything.

Many kids have a much better grasp of technological possibility than most of us ever did because they are encouraged to question anything and reimagine everything. 

This is exactly why the feature exhibition Human Potential at Perth’s esteemed Scitech Discovery Centre is the perfect family day out to explore the "why’s", take part in the "how’s", and to take in the wonder of how the "what if" can always become a "what now"?


What is the Human Potential exhibition about?

By exploring advancements in technology and medical breakthroughs that have revolutionised the way we live, Human Potential takes you on a unique adventure into a world where technology can increase the human body’s potential and has helped people see, hear, and communicate more easily.

Celebrating a more inclusive and possible world that the whole family will love and learn from, Human Potential features 23 hands-on and full-body interactive displays and problem-solving games. Here, you can experience firsthand how cutting-edge technology can integrate with our bodies and enhance our abilities, enabling us to discover new and exciting ways that we can push our limits.

From running and sensing to using nothing more than the power of your mind, you and your family can experience a world where everyone can reach their full potential and go beyond anything they ever dreamed possible.

Come for the…

Fun, fascinating, and thought-provoking exhibits. You and your family will not only experience things that you never realised you were capable of, but will also learn so much about how clever technology has and can change the world we live in. The exhibition heroes innovations that let us see the unseen, make people stronger, and go further than anyone has before.


You and your family will learn about how artificial limbs have changed the course of many people’s lives as they hit the Running Track and race against a Paralympian. Wearing a wingsuit (available in various kids sizes), children will believe that they can fly when they test aerodynamics within the Wind Tunnel.

Image: Instagram/@scitechwa.

They’ll use nothing but their senses within the Tunnel of Darkness as they navigate their way through the dark. And to bring the excitement up a notch, they can literally step inside an exoskeleton and test their strength-improving abilities!


Your kids won’t just walk away from this exhibition talking about how much fun they had participating in all of the activities, but they’ll also be bursting at the seams to tell their friends and teachers about everything they have learned and how no idea is impossible or too far-fetched.

Stay for the…

Gazillion things you can do during your visit to Human Potential. Scitech is the absolute epicentre for all things science in Perth, with a super impressive rotating What’s On schedule of exhibitions, shows, workshops, and experiences all-year-round.

Visit the Planetarium, which boasts an 18m mega 180-degree dome with 6.1 surround sound and digital projection, making it one of the largest in the Southern Hemisphere. With an expert-led, full-dome show, discover the universe like never before or catch one of the live shows at the Puppet Theatre, a fun and educational activity for younger kids.

Scitech are happy for you to bring your own food, so grab a table and enjoy some homemade lunch that won’t cost you the earth, and make sure you visit the Discovery Shop where everything available for purchase has been meticulously chosen by Scitech themselves to foster hands-on interactive learning. 

And ultimately, stay for the hundreds of questions that Human Potential is going to raise in the car on your way home and for the many weeks to come. 

What’s so unique about it?

Human Potential isn’t just an exhibit; it's an experience that will truly make you and your family feel that nothing is impossible.

Where else can your kids get hands-on with some incredible technology and really start (or continue) to question the world we live in? 


Image: Supplied. 

The opportunity to see your family completely blown away by how awesome our scientists are and the difference they can and have made to the world we live in will be next level.

Why does Mamamia recommend it?

Questions mean we are thinking. And if we are thinking, we are imagining. Believing. Conquering. A learning space where kids can not only have some of their burning questions answered but also have fun and walk away in complete wonderment is a must-see.

You and your family can experience things at Human Potential that you may never have gotten to experience anywhere else. 


Seriously, when would we ever get a chance to race against a Paralympic athlete? Or trial an infrared camera?

A huge plus, is that the exhibition is super affordable with a whole family being able to spend the entire day at Scitech for only $72 (2 adults, 3 kids), and you know what? Science is cool. Like crazy, stupid, far-out cool, and Human Potential absolutely confirms that.

Okay, what’s the practical stuff I need to know?

Human Potential is the must-see feature exhibition at Scitech in Perth, with the ticket price including all-day entry and access to everything that Scitech has to offer on the day you visit.

Scitech focuses on providing all-inclusive experiences and this includes free access for carers, wheelchair lift access, multi-sensory experiences and Centre-wide disability access. 

There is parking available in the City West Centre and the Centre is also accessible by public transport (the City West Train Station is just a short walk across the road). Service companion animals are also welcome, meaning no one needs to miss out on seeing Human Potential

And lastly, you need to know that you will not leave without feeling like you can be an athlete, a scientist, or a world-navigating adventurer so beware, you may start to dream beyond your wildest imagination.

You have been warned.

Book your tickets to Scitech's Human Potential Exhibition, and introduce your family to the advancements in science and technology. 

Feature Image: Instagram/@scitechwa. 

Designed and built by Scitech, the Human Potential feature exhibition is now open for a limited time. Featuring 23 full-body and hands-on exhibits, experience how technology can integrate with your body and enhance your abilities.
Scitech is also home to Australia's largest planetarium and boasts six interactive galleries, lively science performances, educational puppet shows and over 100 interactive hands-on exhibits, making it the perfect day out for the whole family to enjoy.
Access to the Human Potential exhibition, planetarium, science theatre and puppet shows are included in the cost of an all-day general admission ticket.
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