At a time when schools and parents are doing their best to educate children on the potential consequences of posting photos on social media, it seems that neither schools nor parents are leading by example. There has been a lot of focus recently on “sharenting”, and what parents are doing wrong when it comes to posting about their children on social media, but it seems schools are getting in on the action too, and the rules are less clear.
I recall that when I was at school my parents would sign a form giving the school permission to publish my photograph in the school newsletter, which back then was a hard copy sent home weekly with the eldest child in the family. Later, the newsletters moved to being published online where they are accessible to anyone.
Now that I have my own children in school, it has moved beyond online newsletters to school Facebook pages, and even Instagram accounts, and I’m not certain this was made clear on the photo release form I signed upon enrollment. Beyond the official school Facebook page, there is an unofficial group made by parents for parents, where members will post photos from school and events for everyone to see, and there are also several Instagram accounts (which are private, and I cannot see). Post continues after video.