The images are graphic and strike fear into the heart of every parent with school age children.
We see pictures of drunken teenagers raging through the Gold Coast, vomiting and getting arrested every night on the news.
You could be forgiven for thinking that if a child is about to finish school, then it’s inevitable that they’re going to dye their hair green, get high on multiple pills with Gen Y-esque names, and have wild, unprotected orgies with everyone they set eyes on.
The police are naturally nervous. So they want parents to be nervous as well. After all – they want to prevent potential teenage disasters before they happen. So they hype it up. They talk the media and the media does it’s thing: Scares the bejesus out of every mother and father in the country.
This year has been a bit different. So far, the teens have gotten together, there have been a few arrests (mostly adults and not actual schoolies), they’ve gotten drunk, had a bit of sex. And…. well that’s it.
In fact if you turn on the telly, there is almost a sense of disappointment that our kids aren’t behaving horrifically badly at schoolies this year. The truth is that there have been fewer arrests, less accidents and all but a few doing the right thing.
Boring. Huh?
So when these dire predictions didn’t ring true, the authorities needed to find new ways of selling the message to parents and society that kids have no idea how to take care of themselves.