true crime

Schoolgirl jailed after she attacked a fellow pupil with acid, scarring her for life.

Eighteen-year-old British schoolgirl Emily Bowen has been sentenced to 21 months behind bars after she attacked a girl who began dating her ex-boyfriend with acid.

Molly Young, also 18, was left badly injured and permanently scarred when drain cleaner that had been poured into her viola case spilled over her legs last September.

The liquid was 91 per cent sulphuric acid, caused horrific burns and left Molly “screaming in pain”.

BBC reports the girls were both members of the Knox Academy in Haddington, East Lothian, orchestra, but had fallen out after Molly began dating Emily’s ex-boyfriend.

Molly was just 17 when she was attacked by a fellow student over her new relationship. Image via Facebook.

Emily bought drain cleaner online, before sneaking it into the school's music room before practice and pouring it into Molly's viola case.

"When the victim went into the strings room she was aware of an eggy smell," Prosecutor Aidan Higgins said during the trial.

"She then took down her case and she was immediately aware of red liquid spilling from the bottom of the case and landing on her right leg.

"She looked down and saw her tights were disintegrating and she was aware of an intense burning on her leg."

Molly was rushed to hospital, eventually undergoing plastic surgery for her scars.

Molly had plastic surgery after the attack. Image via Facebook.

Police later found evidence on Emily's phone that she had been researching acid attacks, as well as the maximum sentencing for attackers.

In sentencing Emily Bowen, Sheriff Michael O'Grady QC described the teen's crime as "utterly wicked".

"You researched this topic and should have been aware of the potentially horrendous consequences for any young woman maimed by this," he said.

"You have left a young woman to suffer a terrifying ordeal and she will be both physically and mentally scarred for the rest of her life."

The court heard how Molly continues to have "shooting pains and nerve damage" and psychological problems as a result of the targeted attack.

The court has also imposed a non-harassment order that bans Emily from contacting her victim for five years.

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