
Six ways to entertain kids that don't involve screen time (and 1 that does).

These school holidays don’t need to be hard.

Winter school holidays can be a bit of a challenge. It’s cold, often it’s raining, and kids get bored. As any parent knows, boredom is the worst thing that can ever happen to a child, EVER. It’s drama like this that normally ends with us handing our children a device, just for a bit of peace and quiet.

These school holidays, I want to rely less on technology and just have more fun. A challenge in the cold, I know.

Thankfully there are plenty of ways to keep your kids entertained these school holidays, and not all of them involve screen time.  Here’s what I have in mind for the next two weeks. Wish me luck.

 Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Kmart. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

1. Indoor Sports

There are so many indoor sports centres that offer a range of activities for kids. My children are into rock climbing at the moment and most centres cater to children of all ages. After rock climbing we love indoor soccer and netball centres, then there’s bowling, ice skating and even laser tag works up a sweat.

The best exercise for kids is always accidental, when they’re just playing around and having fun. Invite lots of friends so it becomes an official school holiday catch-up.

There are a range of kid’s school holiday camps on offer to suit any child’s interests.

There are a range of kid’s school holiday camps on offer to suit any child’s interests. My son is into band camps at the moment. He is trying to master a trombone that is almost as big as he is. At band camp he learns important skills and hangs out with old friends and makes some new ones.


If your children aren’t into band camps then there are plenty more on offer from art to sport to ones that offer a range of activities.

3. Local Art Galleries and Museums

During school holidays local art galleries and museums always have a terrific range of exhibits on offer for kids at great prices. When’s the last time you learned something new about dinosaurs or science? Don’t wait for the next school excursion. Art galleries and museums are so much fun and you’ll all learn so much.

A trip to an art gallery or museum will fill an entire day, leaving some very satisfied and exhausted children at the end. It’s a win-win.

road trip with your kids!

Taking a road trip with your children is so much fun and the beauty is you can stay in your nice warm car and only get out for the really interesting things. We love to drive up to the Blue Mountains near Sydney during the winter school holidays and head for attractions like Wentworth Falls and the Three Sisters. No matter where you live in Australia, there are local sites you live just an hour or two away from, that your children would love to see.

Lately I like to organise our road trips around visits to family and friends. We have friends in the Blue Mountains and also ones in Bowral. So we have a great day out and we get to catch up with loved ones as well.

5. Movies on DVD

For those days that are cold and rainy, the ones where you can’t even bring yourself to leave the house, throw an indoor movie screening for your kids and once again, invite some friends. You can buy a huge range of movies from Kmart at the best prices. And you know kids - Watching their favourite movie once is never enough. If you buy the DVD they can watch it a hundred times before the school holidays are over.


So cut down on screen time during the winter school holidays but don’t get rid of it all together. And be ready to put your feet up for those precious two hours because you’ll need it.

6. Theatre

My friend just took her daughter to see The Lion King and I must admit, I’ve never thought of taking my children to see a theatre show before. When I was a teenager I was obsessed with them. These days, there are lots for kids to see. Have a look around for children’s theatre shows, musicals, concerts and plays.

It doesn’t have to cost a fortune. A high school puts on some amazing productions. My oldest is 10 and my youngest is almost five. They are the perfect age to start seeing some great shows. I’ll wait until they are a bit older before I book tickets to see Miley Cyrus or One Direction. I’ll wait until they are much, much older for Miley. Actually, we never have to see her.


Finding things to do with the kids during holiday periods can be pricey. Try these 15 fun activities you can do for next to nothin'.


What are your plans for these school holidays?

Say No to Boredom!!

When it comes to the power of imagination, kids prove anything is possible.  A saucepan lid suddenly becomes a mighty warrior’s shield, or cleverly stacked blocks can form a three-tier wedding cake. 

Kmart understands creative play and we never want the fun to end.  Inside this easy guide to school holiday activities you’ll find playful twists on all Kmart’s fun everyday items and toys at the low prices we’re famous for.

CLICK HERE to view Kmart’s easy guide to school holiday activities.

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