
William Tyrrell's grandmother speaks after Schapelle Corby wears a handbag with the missing boy's face on it.

William Tyrrell’s grandmother says its a “good thing” that Schapelle Corby used her return to Australia to draw attention to the campaign to find the missing boy.

Natalie Collins told The Daily Mail that she was initially “shocked and confused” to see the convicted drug smuggler carrying a handbag featuring Tyrrell’s image as she was deported from Indonesia on Saturday evening.

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However, after considering the media attention she’s since come around.

“She probably thought she is back in Australia, and instead of having all of the media attention on her she would put attention on a cause that matters, like William,” the 57-year-old told the tabloid.

“We haven’t heard much about him for a while, so I think it is good for people to see the picture so they can keep looking for him.”

Schapelle's gesture isn't appreciated by all those involved in the Where's William campaign. Image: Getty.

Other members of Tyrell's family yesterday expressed their disapproval of Corby's move.

In a statement posted to the Facebook campaign dedicated to finding the little boy, the family insisted that they were unaware of Corby's intention to use his image.

"While the Where’s William Campaign appreciates that Schapelle Corby has shown concern regarding little William’s disappearance and in using her release as a convicted offender from Bali as a media opportunity to increase awareness that William is still missing, we are not happy," they wrote.

"While the Where’s William Campaign aims to increase awareness where possible, this situation regarding Miss Corby has no association whatsoever to William, his loved ones or their campaign to find their little boy."

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Collins, however, believes any exposure is worthwhile in the quest to locate her grandson -especially when it's as high profile as Corby's return.

"They don't deserve to be angry about it," she told The Daily Mail. "The publicity could help us find him."

Tyrrell was three years old when he disappeared from his other grandmother's front yard in Kendall on the NSW mid-north coast on September 12, 2014.

NSW Police are currently offering a $1 million reward for information that leads to him being located.

If you have any information relating to the disappearance or whereabouts of William Tyrell, please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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