Dear dickheads ‘Scary Clowns’,
You remember that kid in primary school? The annoying, smelly, dirty kid who always picked his nose and took the joke too far? Like, someone else would make a fart noise and everyone would giggle, and then he’d copy that fart noise again and again until everyone was so over it they wanted him to fade into thin air? Because his low level of intelligence prevented him from a) realising the joke wasn’t funny any more and b) coming up with an actually amusing antic?
You are that kid. And judging by the amount you’re flogging the dead horse that is this ‘creepy clown‘ bullshit, I’m assuming you have always been that kid.
At first, I was just rolling my eyes at your stupid street-walking stunts. “Here go those crazy nerds, again!” I thought. “This will be the new PoGo!” But then, you had the primary school in my suburb shut down for a day because of a ‘lurking clown’.
AND THEN… you attacked a McDonald’s.
That’s my happy place, you bastards. Ronald would be SO disappointed.
Perhaps, for one millisecond at the beginning of this embarrassing month of media coverage, it was funny. No, wait a sec. The first guys to put on a clown mask in South Carolina were trying to lure kids into a forest. There’s a fine, fine line between ‘funny’ and ‘so f**king mentally disturbed they should be in a straightjacket’. Except that it’s not a fine line, it’s a gaping chasm. And creepily luring kids into dark woods is waaaaay on the straightjacket side.
Look, it’s not entirely your fault, Bozos. The media is a lot to blame here. News sites and journalists were putting out ‘warnings’ to other areas and countries that this ‘might’ start ‘happening’ in their neighbourhoods too.