There is an Aldi right next door to my office but believe it or not, I had never been inside – until yesterday.
I bought all my staples; bread, milk, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables, among other things. And I now might be a fully fledged Aldi convert! I was impressed by the price at the time, and when I got home (just for fun!) I plugged in those same items into the Coles online shop…
Guess what – Aldi was $30 cheaper! The same items were $115 at Coles vs $84 at Aldi.
And it get’s better!
If I was to save $30 a week on my groceries, that’s $1,560 a year. And if I put that into my mortgage (assuming we are at the beginning of a 30 year mortgage, $320k, at 4.8% interest) that would save me a whopping $47,000 in interest and shave 4 years off my mortgage!
And if interest rates were at the 8% mark (which they eventually will be) that is a saving of $110k in interest!
How is that for motivation to find your nearest Aldi!?
The good news is, if there is no Aldi near you I have some other great tips to help you cut down your weekly grocery spend – and your mortgage!
Watch: David and Libby Koch share some advice on how to manage your money.