true crime

The Voice star Sarah Stone's story about her mother has brought judges and fans to tears.

It was the performance that reduced The Voice judges to tears on Sunday night.

Covering Sara Bareille’s Gravity, contestant Sarah Stone visibly choked back tears when she reached the lyrics “something always brings me back to you”.

The song brought back many emotions and memories of the 22 year-old’s mum, Linda Anne Grimstone.

Sixteen years ago, at about 8:50am on Monday 4th September 2000, Grimstone dropped her two children off at Croydon Hills Primary School. She never returned to pick them up.


Police enquiries confirmed that she had purchased petrol at the Wesburn petrol station at around 9:45am before last being seen at 3:50pm in the car park of Powers Lookout, 270 kilometres north east of Melbourne. Police have no explanation for why she was there.

Her vehicle was located at 10am the next day in nearby bushland. More than 160 police and volunteers including a police helicopter, the mounted branch and the dog squad searched in poor weather for five days without success.

linda grimstone
Sarah was just six when her mum disappeared. Image via Australian Missing Persons.

The day she went missing was the day after her 23rd wedding anniversary with husband Stephen Grimstone, who has continued to express his desire for answers about what happened to his wife.

He told The Sunday Age in 2006 that he believed authorities disregarded his fears that Linda had been abducted and murdered because of previous episodes where she had been depressed and disappeared but had always returned.

"The reason they didn't find her (in the national park) is because she wasn't in there. It's a homicide," he said.

"In my view, senior police and the Government have just washed their hands of this because it would have meant committing too much time and resources."

Listen: Loren O'Keeffe's brother Dan went missing in 2011. Post continues after audio.

Grimstone had a confirmed history of "anxiety/depression type illnesses" and according to a 2009 coronor's report had disappeared on three previous occasions between 1985 and 2000, including one a few weeks earlier while visiting family in England.

On all occasions, the 42 year old had sought out open outdoor areas she had visited previously and on all three prior occasions she was located by someone and brought home.

The officer in charge of the investigation, Senior Detective Steve Wyatt also told the newspaper that he believed someone else was involved.

"It's extremely unlikely that she would have been able to get out of the search area unless she had the assistance of another person," he said.


"It would have been very difficult for anyone...given the putrid conditions that night."

He also said he believed that Linda would have some stage made contact with her children if she was still alive.

As no body or evidence of foul play was ever found, a 2009 coroners report concluded that he was "satisfied in light of all the circumstantial evidence and surrounding circumstances that she is deceased".

Wyatt told The Sunday Age while he could never rule anyone out as a suspect, he did not believe Mr Grimstone was involved.

Grimstone remains number five on Australia's missing persons list.

Stone has spoken about the pain of losing her mum throughout the competition.


"Mum just completely disappeared off the face of the earth. Still to this day, no one really knows what happened with my mum. It's just something that we've had to deal with day to day," she said on the show last month.

"Dad's not ready to stop looking for her. Mum was his absolute soul mate. He adored her to the point where he still talks about her every day. Every single day."

The 22 year old told Nine Honey it was hard growing up without her.

"It’s something you can never sort of brace yourself for," she said.

"It makes you grow up very quickly...not having a female figure made me a lot stronger and independent".

On Sunday's show, Stone revealed one of the reasons she had picked Boy George as her mentor was because she felt a connection to her mum though him.

"She was a huge fan," she told him.

If you have information that may assist police to locate Linda you can call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Listen to what really goes down behind the scenes of The Voice on a special segment of The Binge. 

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