
Wednesday's Quicky: Sarah Ristevski breaks her silence, coronavirus rebrand, good emissions news.

1. “I asked him.” Sarah Ristevski on the moment she confronted her dad over her mum’s death.

Borce Ristevski only recently had his prison sentence increased from nine to 13 years for the 2016 manslaughter of his wife Karen, and now his daughter has given her first ever interview.

During his trial, Sarah Ristevski refused to provide a victim impact statement, instead writing a glowing character reference for her father.

In an exclusive interview with 60 Minutes which will air in full on Sunday, Sarah is asked by Liz Hayes: “Surely you asked your dad, ‘did you do this? Even after he was charged, did you ask him?'”

WATCH: Here’s a snippet. Post continues after video.

Video via 60 Minutes

“Hmmhmm,” she replies. “I asked him if he had anything to do with it.”

Speaking about her mum Karen, Sarah says: “She’s on my mind all the time. I can’t get it out of my head.”

Sarah was just 21 when her mother vanished from the family’s Melbourne home. Her body was found eight months later in bushland.

Her dad Borce denied any involvement in the death for three years, but last year pleaded guilty to manslaughter.


2. The World Health Organisation has announced coronavirus will now be named COVID-19.

The World Health Organisation has announced that the disease we’ve all been referring to as novel coronavirus will now be called COVID-19.

There are currently around 43,000 cases worldwide, with more than 1000 dead.

“Having a name matters to prevent the use of other names that can be inaccurate or stigmatising. It also gives us a standard format to use for any future coronavirus outbreaks,” said Tedros Adhanom, director general of the WHO, in a press conference.

More than 300 scientists are dialing into the two day WHO summit in Geneva to talk through drugs, vaccines and ways to curb the growing virus which Adhanom says is “very much an emergency for China, but also one that holds a very grave threat for the rest of the world”.

A man in Britain who has been labelled a “super spreader” has apologised overnight – it’s believed he infected at least 11 other people including an eight-year-old during his travels after contracting it in China.

Steve Walsh has infected at least 11 people with coronavirus, showing the affect one person can have. Image: 9News.

Steve Walsh issued a statement thanking Britain's National Health Service, with 9News reporting it as saying:

"I would like to thank the NHS for their help and care. Whilst I have fully recovered, my thoughts are with others who have contracted coronavirus.''

3. Carbon dioxide emissions have improved since last year.

World carbon dioxide emissions stopped growing in 2019, after two years of increases, the International Energy Agency says.

Global emissions stood at 33.3 gigatonnes, with a sharp decline in the amount of emissions from advanced economies making up for a continuing increase in developing countries.


Declining use of coal for electricity generation was the driving factor in emissions reductions in wealthy countries, assisted by milder weather in several countries, the Paris-based agency said.

In the European Union emissions fell by 5.0 per cent, thanks to increased use of renewable energy sources and a switch from coal to gas.

Germany led the way with an 8.0-per-cent reduction.

The United States, with a 2.9-per-cent reduction, produced total carbon dioxide emissions of 4.8 gigatonnes - down almost 1 gigatonne from their peak in 2000.

By way of comparison, in the year to March 2019, Australia's carbon emissions rose 0.6-percent.

Feature image: Nine.

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