
Sunrise host Sam Armytage just learned why you don't work with babies.

Things didn’t go down exactly as planned…

There’s an old saying, “never work with children or animals.” And this morning, the Sunrise team learned exactly why. Hosts Andrew O’Keefe and Samantha Armytage were conducting a segment with Shannon Lush, author of bestselling book Spotless when some drama went down on live TV.

Lush was in the process of sharing some of her tips on keeping the house, clothing, and baby clean while four babies in high chairs were sitting nearby with some rather messy looking foods.

O'Keefe, Armytage and Lush on set with four babies.

That's when the babies Lara, Leo, Jonas and Yara, began crying rather hysterically on set. "These babies were so quiet in the commercial break," said Armytage trying to hold back her laughter.

The show's cash cow unsuccessfully tried to cheer them up as Armytage asked, "I've got a bit of a headache, is this what parenthood is like?" O'Keefe, who has three children, replied, "This is pretty much it, yep."

Armytage later shared a picture on her Instagram account of smiling her with the four babies, all of whom looked less than impressed. She captioned the image, "Babies love me."

Sam on set with Lara, Leo, Jonas and Yara.

But not all of Armytage's followers found the segment funny, commenting that it was uncomfortable to watch and that she should have comforted the child:

Others however, did find it funny and applauded Armytage for not picking up the crying baby:

We have a feeling it might be quite some time before the Sunrise team decide to use babies live on air again...

How did you feel about the segment? Did you think it was mean or funny?

To watch the full Sunrise video click here.

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery for more photos of Sam Armytage...

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