
The $13.95 product model Sam Harris says works wonders on her skin.


Image: Getty.

Samantha Harris is 25 years old and already a veteran of the Australian modeling industry. After entering the Girlfriend Magazine modeling comp in 2004, Harris has gone on to appear on the cover of Vogue, walk the runway for some of the world’s best designers and is now a Priceline Pharmacy Sister, helping to raise awareness and funds for different women’s charities.  

We caught up with Sam to talk fitness, paving the way for Indigenous Australian models and budget beauty buys.

You were the second indigenous Australian to cover Vogue, do you think indigenous women are being represented enough in the modelling industry today?

“I definitely think there’s more to be done but I do know a few indigenous models, I wouldn’t say there’re a lot, but there’s more than there used to be which I think is important. We can only get bigger and bigger I hope.”

Why is important to you to be paving the way?

“When I first started modelling many years ago, I actually never thought that I would be such a role model to young indigenous kids. I’m so honoured and I’m so flattered that I am but back in my early days I just wanted to be a model like any other young girl. Now that all this has happened and I’ve been very fortunate to have the success I’ve had, I think it’s really important because young indigenous Australians need someone to look up to.”

A model showcases designs during the Jean Paul Gaultier x Target Launch during Melbourne Fashion Festival on March 9, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia.
Image: Getty


“Yes, there are other models out there that they can look up to but I think it’s great for them to have an indigenous role model, someone they can relate to. It’s really important. Because I know in indigenous communities the kids are quite shy, I have a young niece and she’s really shy, so to see someone of the same culture doing quite well in something they’d like to pursue is really important.”

Was it hard starting out in the modelling industry without many other indigenous models?

“No, because at that point I was too young to realise but I do remember journalists asking me who I look up to in the modeling world. And at a young age and I would say Tyra Banks or Naomi Campbell because they were the only two girls that I could think, ‘I could look like them so I’m going to say these two girls as my answer’.”

What’s your favourite budget beauty product?


“Garnier micellar water, ($13.95) I love that. It’s as good as the expensive brands but just much, much cheaper. It’s really gentle on your skin and gets rid of all your makeup. If I am lazy and I can’t be bothered to remove my makeup I use that and think, ‘well, I’m going to go to bed because I’ve kind of washed my face anyway’.”

Are there any others you love?

“I love Cetaphil, the cleanser ($9.29), because it’s just a gentle, nice cleanser and cleans your skin perfectly. I’m always about budget. There’s always a product similar to what’s on the high end market.” (Post continues after gallery.)

What’s one goal for 2016 that you’ve actually kept?

“Everyone has the New Year’s Resolution of being fit and healthy and it’s all gone by February. I’ve kept it, so far, so good. I think as you get older – I know I’m not that old – but I feel like I’m more conscious of being a positive role model to young girls so I want to eat healthier but I also want girls to look at me and know I don’t look like this easily, I have to work to look like this.”

Admitting that it’s not just ‘your genes’ is something to be proud of

“Exactly, it makes me appreciate my health and fitness more because I have to work hard for it.”

What’s your go-to workout when you’re pressed for time?

“I’ve been doing this workout where I do five tricep dips, 10 push-ups and 15 squats. Sounds like nothing but in 20 minutes you see how many rounds you can do. My highest has been 19. I was dripping with sweat. But you can do it at home, or anywhere.”

What’s your go-to budget beauty item?

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