
Four reasons why Sam Frost is our new single gal hero.

I’m just going to put it out there, I’ve developed a massive girl crush on Sam Frost. (Much like, I’m sure, the rest of Australia.)

Since first stepping foot back into The Bachelor mansion, Sam has made it incredibly clear that she’s taking no sh*t of any kind. But last night’s episode was the first time she really took that promise and put it into practice.

She smacked down on a grand scale and I absolutely loved it. I even might have (definitely did) screamed with joy at the exact moment Sam told David to haul his ass out of the mansion.

Sam may well be my new single gal hero.

Here are four reasons from last night’s episode to explain why:

She didn’t guilt trip Drew into completing the cliff jump on the group date.

Sam took a few of the boys on a group date, the purpose of which was to see if the men were ready to ‘jump into the adventure’ with her. To prove this, they had to jump off a cliff. Fair enough, I see how that works.

Unsurprisingly, some of the bachelors were hesitant. Yet they all did it.

That is, except for Drew.

Drew and Sam. Image via Ten Play.

And you know what's awesome? When Drew freaked out, Sam didn't guilt him into doing it. There was no, 'But oh, come on, won't you do it... for me?' No. None of that. She supported him. She told him not to worry about it. She told him it was okay not to jump and he didn't.

Sam didn't punish him for his decision either, she gave him the one on one time. Because you know what, sometimes our partners (or potential partners) can't do all the things we may want them to. And that's okay.

She defended Michael when he was put in a truly crappy position.

Okay. David. We need to talk about David.

When he *gasp* broke the bro code by cutting in on Michael's time, Sam didn't have a bar of it. It's not often I feel sorry for ridiculously good looking soccer players. But after David suggested Michael didn't need one on one time because he actually, you know, had a career, I genuinely felt bad for the guy.


Evidently so did Sam.

Sam and Michael clearly weren't impressed. Image via Ten Play.

She didn't cut her time with Michael short as a result of the International Model's intervention when he presented himself in front of her. And do I even need to mention her epic take down of David assuming that status would have anything to do with her choice in a partner? "If that's the kind of person you think I am, you can leave right now."

Nope. Not having it. Sorry. Image via Ten Play.

No, enough said.

She didn't stoop down to David's level.

There's nothing more off putting in a partner than a sore loser. Case in point: David's reaction to missing out on a rose during the rose ceremony. At a point where I most certainly would have told David to f*ck right off, Sam kept her composure like a freaking pro.

If looks could kill. Image via Ten Play.

When David started rambling on about how he "didn't really want a rose" and blah, blah, word vomit, blah, Sam didn't for a minute entertain the conversation. She cut him off and ended the situation, politely.

"Thank you so much, It's been a pleasure."

Bam. Bam. BAM.

She showed how she really felt after the rose ceremony, despite making herself vulnerable in the process.

Having a guy tell you he was never really interested in you to begin with would make you feel like royal sh*t. Whether it was true or not.

Sam didn't go sulking into a corner or try to hide how she felt. When asked be the bachelors how she was feeling, she admitted it was heavy and she was a bit shaken up.


They even HUGGED IT OUT.

GROUP HUG. Image via Ten Play.


We love you.

Don't ever change.

How did you feel about last night's episode of The Bachelorette?

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