
Samantha Armytage wears undies. Sparks national debate.

In what is absolutely not breaking news, television presenter Samantha Armytage spent the weekend wearing full briefs.

Now being reported across multiple Australian media channels, the Sunrise presenter was caught running errands and, you know, just generally living her personal life on Sunday.

The summer wind blew and happened to reveal a barely visible panty line against the 40-year-old’s casual dress.

According to reports from The Daily Mail, who broke the story and ran multiple images of Armytage’s backside, “The TV personality’s oversized granny panties showed through the garment with a clearly visible line.”

Now, according to Buzzfeed Australia, the TV host has called in lawyers in response to the article.

“I’m not making any comment as it’s with the lawyers,” Armytage told the website. (Post continues after gallery.)


Amytage’s decision to not walk around in lace-trimmed lingerie at all times has left many stunned and wondering if she no longer cares what the paparazzi think of her, while others have labelled the successful presenter’s decision “brave” and called Armytage a “true warrior”.

Okay, that’s not true. Absolutely no one used the words “brave” or “warrior” to describe a person wearing undergarments outside of the house. They simply reacted to the news by saying, “those are the best kinds of undies!”

Hell, it’s almost as if they were designed to run errands in…

Sunrise presenter Sam Armytage. Source: Instagram.

"What I've learned from social media: Women should wear underwear (see Chrissy Teigen) Women should not wear underwear (see Sam Armytage)," one Tweeter wrote.

"Today women stand in solidarity with @sam_armytage who has been shamed by @DailyMailAU for, wait for it, wearing underwear while shopping?!?" another asked.


On Monday evening, Rebecca Judd denounced the Daily Mail for what she described as "the worst excuse for 'journalism'" she had ever seen.

"How the Daily Mail's behaviour is even legal beggars belief (I could go on with this point). And isn't it unfortunate that most of these stories are written by young women," the TV host wrote on Instagram.

"So much for supporting the sisterhood... pffft. It's a sad state of affairs when the Daily Mail "journalists" have become the biggest trolls of all."


Actress Rebecca Gibney also posted in support of Armytage on Instagram.

"Just thought you should know Daily Mail IM WEARING GRANNY PANTS IN THIS SHOT," she captioned the image, adding the hashtags 'I'm with her' and 'cut out the crap guys.'

Gibney concluded, "For those that don't know Sam she is a fabulous, funny, intelligent, glorious woman with a great heart AND she's GORGEOUS. Can we please remind ourselves that people on the Tele deserve a private life?"


The article came days after the journo was forced to deny dating rumours, with Armytage addressing the stories via Instagram on Sunday.

Armytage shared an image of a woman wearing a slogan t-shirt that read, "No, I'm not dating anyone. No, I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Yes, I do want another slice of pie."

Alongside the image, she wrote, "In the past week or so, according to the gossips, I've been 'in love with'; a gay colleague, a straight colleague, a bloke I stood next to at the races 3 months ago, a Gladiator, a British boy-band member & 17 other people I've never met... If I stand next to someone, it DOES NOT MEAN I'M DATING THEM." 

Sam Armytage talks life in the public eye with Mia Freedman. 

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