
Sunrise's Sam Armytage accused of 'shoving' a colleague.

Imagine if your petty office politics was splashed all over the mainstream media. That’s what happening over at Channel 7 right now.

Allegedly, there’s some serious office politics taking place at Channel 7 right now. The kind of politics that really has nothing to do with the job.

Reports have been circulating the last couple of days around whether or not Sunrise host Sam Armytage ‘manhandled’ makeup artists and former Dancing with the Stars dancer Eliza Campagna.

sam armytage's women's weekly cover
Sunrise host Sam Armytage. Image via Getty.


The rumours suggest Campagna had complained to Channel 7 HR that Armytage ‘shoved her’ out of the way while on set.

And the network has confirmed it’s…. at least kind of true.

“Eliza was about to walk into a live shot so Sam put her hand out to stop her. In live TV, this kind of thing happens all the time,” Seven Network’s Director of TV Operations David Porter confirmed while also denying any complaints had been made to HR.

Eliza Campagna has refused to comment on the story. Image via Instagram.


There are also suggestions Campagna from the set following the incident, despite the Sunrise host directly dismissing this to Confidential as “total rubbish.”

“I have a really long history with Eliza. We’ve been mates for many years and she’s in a league of her own. She’s a miracle worker! You should see me without make-up.”

The story is a strange one, and probably not worthy of your brain space today but unsurprisingly the media-world is obsessed with it, with Sam’s name trending across social media. Fundamentally though, it’s just some messy gossip and is quickly descending into the old ‘”she said, she said” story, run on anonymous sources and very little fact.

Sadly, the huge traction the story is getting online perpetuates the old myth that women in high powered positions are bitchy, competitive and rarely get along with one another.

Sam Armytage via Eliza Campagna Instagram

Read more:For and against: The Sam Armytage Women’s Weekly cover that has everyone talking.

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