
The beautiful moment Sally Obermeder and her surrogate Rachel met baby Elyssa.

Last December, TV host Sally Obermeder and her husband Marcus welcomed their second baby girl into the world.

Elyssa Rose was born in the US, via a surrogate named Rachel. Now, thanks to Sunday Night, we’ve been given an intimate glimpse into the moment the two women and their families finally met the baby they’d been waiting for.

Sally, host of The Daily Edition, was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer while she was pregnant in October 2011.

Little Annabelle was delivered before her mum underwent 16 rounds of chemotherapy.

two kids and poodle ????????????no makeup. no sleep. what a night. ????????

A post shared by SALLY OBERMEDER (@sallyobermeder) on


Eventually, after Sally went into remission and began to recover, she and Marcus began thinking about giving Annabelle a sibling — she had been conceived via IVF and they still had some embryos.

A doctor warned them that carrying another baby could stimulate the return of Sally’s cancer, so the couple chose to seek out a surrogate mother.

Listen: The Bump podcast explains the role of a doula. (Post continues after audio.)

They found Rachel, a Wisconsin-based paediatric nurse and mother of three who had been a surrogate once before. Because her own pregnancies had all been so straightforward, Rachel wanted to offer her help to a couple in need.

After two years, two failed pregnancies and a miscarriage, a successful pregnancy was announced last year.

In December, Sally travelled to Chicago and prepared for her baby’s arrival, alongside Rachel.

Sally and her surrogate Rachel. (Still via Channel 7)

"Rachel and I are having these emotions at the same time," she told Sunday Night in the lead-up to Elyssa's birth.

"She's crying and I'm crying, and she's laughing and I'm laughing. The adrenaline's doubled.

"There's two families that want this baby to come into the world."


Footage recorded just after the birth shows the two mothers embracing and in tears of joy as they learn the newborn is a girl. After having her vitals checked, Elyssa is handed to Sally for skin-to-skin contact.

"It was very raw, just watching Annabelle hold Elyssa, that she's got a sister," Rachel tells Sunday Night.

Five days after the birth, Rachel's own daughters came to visit their mother and meet the baby.

Sally and Rachel prepared for Elyssa's birth together. (Channel 7)

Speaking about the experience of being a surrogate, Rachel admits there's one question that commonly arises: is it hard to give the baby away?

"Truly, it's not my baby; I'm just babysitting for 10 months," she says frankly.

"I'm so happy, but Annabelle and her together? It's priceless. It's exactly why I did it."

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