
Five ‘Safer Internet Day’ tips for parents, direct from Facebook.

By Mia Garlick, Director of Policy, Facebook.

We get it – parenting is hard at the best of times. School is back and you’re busy packing lunches and managing an ever-changing schedule of sports training, musical rehearsals and birthday parties while making sure everyone is where they need to be.

And parenting in the digital age is even harder with a growing list of digital decisions to be made on when you should get them a phone? How much time playing video games is too much? What apps should you let them use and how?

Parenting in the digital age adds an extra element of hard. Image via iStock.

Well, February 9 is Safer Internet Day and over 100 countries are participating in an effort to ask parents to take a few minutes to think about how to keep your kids safe online.


Don’t fret – here’s the good news? We're on your side. We take cyber safety very seriously and we invest a lot of time and energy into developing products, policies and educational programs to help Aussie kids have a safe online experience.

But, the best way to keep everyone safe is for you to have a conversation with your kids on making the right online choices. Here are five tips to help you kick off a digital discussion:

1. Stick with what works.

Typically, you can employ the same parenting style for your kid's online activities as you do offline. If you find your child responds best to a negotiated agreement, create a contract that you can both sign. Or, maybe your child just needs to know the basic rules. In that case, you can establish them early when you first buy a mobile device for him or her.

Have a parenting style for your kids online activities. Image via iStock.

2. The old adage your kids will “do as you do, not as you say,” is as true online as it is offline.

Try to be a good role model. If you set time restrictions on when your child can use social media or be online (i.e., no texting after 10:00 pm), modelling that same behaviour makes a big difference. If you want your child to be civil online, model civility and respect in your texts to him or her.

3. Engage early and establish norms.

Data suggests parents should engage online with their children as soon as they are on social media, by friending them as soon as they join Facebook or following them on Instagram when they sign up. It gets harder to do so if you wait. While this is not surprising, it is worth noting that just as you lay the foundation for dialogue and conversation offline with your children early, you have to lay that foundation early online. Even before they are on social media, talk to them about technology as a whole. It can help lay the groundwork for future conversations.

Establish waht's normal early on. Image via iStock.

4. Seize key moments.

There are many natural times to have these conversations: when they get their first mobile phone (it's a good time to establish ground rules), when your child turns 13 and is old enough to join Facebook, Instagram and other social media services, or when your child gets a driver's license (it's a good times to discuss the importance of not texting and driving).

5. Ask your children to teach you.

Not on Instagram? Maybe you're interested in trying a streaming music service? If your children are already familiar with these services, they can be an excellent resource. The conversation can also serve as an opportunity to talk about issues of safety, privacy and security. For example, maybe you can ask them questions about privacy settings as you set up your own Facebook account. And, as most parents know all too well, your child will likely appreciate the opportunity to teach you.

This list is only a start and it may not fit the needs of your family exactly — the important thing is that you're having the conversation.

Mia Garlick is Facebook's Director of Policy in Australia, and has written this post as part of Facebook's Safer Internet Day campaign.

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