
14 sad boyfriends tricked into modelling for Etsy

Move over, Mason jars and washi tape!

Boyfriends are now Etsy's ultimate crafting accessory. They might not always love modelling floral homemade cardigans (read: never), but where there’s a crafty lady, there’s a way.

Whether these guys are actually boyfriends or not, they're clearly haunted by the experience - so much so that the hilarious Sad Etsy Boyfriends Tumblr began documenting the horror. Here are 14 of the saddest ones we spotted on the Internet's biggest crafting k-hole:

1. The boyfriend who promised himself this was the last time he was going to take his shirt off in the snow. The last freaking time.

2. The boyfriend who has been practicing this stance and relaxed mouth look longer than he would like to admit. In a Cosby-inspired sweater, no less.

3. The boyfriend who seriously couldn’t even keep it together for the photo.

4. The boyfriend who can’t tell if he’s hanging his head in shame or because there’s some giant craft project weighing down his skull.

5. The boyfriend who doesn’t care if this sweatshirt is super comfy - it’s pink and there’s a giant green whale on it. There's real sadness behind those eyes.

6. The boyfriend who is trying to convince you he is actually happy wearing this hat, but is secretly freaking out a little.

7. The boyfriend who is trying to pull off that angsty unicorn look and is failing miserably.


8. The boyfriend who can’t believe he is actually wearing a penis-shaped brooche. I mean, is this really happening?!?

9. The boyfriend who is trying to hide his tears with his unruly hair. We feel you, dude.

10. The boyfriend who is just so happy he gets to wear sunglasses in this photo. (Yes, that's a crocheted hat with a built-in beard.)

11. The boyfriend whose soul is being crushed under that bunny costume. That smile you see right there? It’s not real – he’s dead inside.

12. The boyfriend who looks into the distance and wonders what his life has come to.

13. The boyfriend who is trying to fake that whole hipster Napoleon Dynamite look, but knows nobody is buying it. We see through your pain.

14. The boyfriend who literally is wearing flowers as a beard and couldn't care less if you wanted to touch it.

What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever asked your partner to do for you?

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