
Ryan Gosling dyed his hair dark, dark brown and people can't even deal with it.

Everybody freak out.

Ryan Gosling – talented actor, attractive person and lucky husband to the brilliant Eva Mendes – has dyed his hair for a new movie role.

Which means Gosling, 34, does not look like this anymore:

Ryan Gosling as we knew him.


Because his blonde hair is now very, very black.

And we’re not really sure how we feel about it.

He looks a little bit Grease Lightning, a little bit Elvis Presley, a little bit like Ryan Reynolds and a little bit like James Franco.

Related: Watch Ryan Gosling dancing his little MC hammer pants off in 1992.

Gosling chopped and dyed his pretty boy locks for his portrayal of financial trader Greg Lippman in the film The Big Short, which is also starring Brad Pitt, Steve Carrell, Christian Bale and Beyonce.

No word yet on whether they also have to sport this hair style. Here’s hoping.

If this post made you want to click through a gallery of Gosling’s face, you’re in luck. 

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