That was one of the opening lines from teary former radio host Mel Greig when she sat down for an interview with Channel Seven’s Melissa Doyle that aired on Sunday Night.
Greig and her 2DayFM co-host Michael Christian rose to notorious fame in December 2012, after they pretended to be the Queen and Prince Charles and called the King Edward VII Hospital in London where Kate Middleton was being treated for acute morning sickness in the early stages of her pregnancy.
A nurse revealed details of Kate’s condition and from then on, a dramatic and harrowing turn of events took place – events that were blasted across global news stations and websites.
In the exclusive interview which aired last night, Mel Greig told how she urged senior managers to alter the recording, so that 2DayFm staff members’ voices could be used instead of the actual nurses. Her suggestions were ignored and the call went to air unaltered.
Three days later, Jacintha Saldanha – who was the nurse who had put through the call to the ward where Kate Middleton was staying – committed suicide and left a note blaming the 2Day FM hosts.
When asked how she felt when she found out the news, the pain is evident on Greig’s face.
“That’s a very dark place to visit… I felt like the worst person alive, and that feeling has never really gone away.”
Mel Greig and her co-host Michael Christian were taken off air after the tragic turn of incidents. Two months later, Christian returned to radio but Greig on the other hand, had become a target and was force into hiding, where she had 24-hour security. The death threats reportedly became so bad, that people were calling Greig’s mother and also threatening her, telling her she had to die for Greig’s mistake. Her father was also rushed to hospital apparently due to the stress of the events that had taken place.