
The important clue that hints at when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be expecting.


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We’ve finally recovered from the excitement of the royal wedding

Now, given that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle said in their engagement interview that they would like to have a baby “in the near future”, we’re eagerly awaiting a royal baby announcement.

But if these latest clues, as reported by the Mirror, are accurate, we may be waiting a while.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will next month commence their 16-day Royal Tour, visiting Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga.


With Fiji and Tonga deemed a moderate risk for the Zika virus, which is spread by mosquitoes and can cause birth defects, the UK Government advises pregnant women to postpone non-essential travel until the end of their pregnancy, and to avoid conception while they’re away.

It also advises they avoid trying to conceive for up to six months after their return.

The Government website states: “Zika virus infection may present an increased risk of complications for certain groups of the population, particularly pregnant women.”

“Although the probability of developing complications resulting from Zika infection is low, the impact of these complications, should they occur, are very serious.

“Travel advisories are therefore focused on pregnant women, their partners and couples planning pregnancy.”

…So this means it’s unlikely Meghan and Harry will be trying before they head our way,  and if they follow the Government advice strictly (which we imagine they would), they’d be aiming for around April next year.

Royals, like the rest of us regular folk, then normally wait until at least the 12-week mark before making an announcement, which brings us to July.

JULY 2019.

Mark it down in your diaries, people.

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