
Why Roxy Jacenko just posted a photo of her bare bum to Instagram.

Roxy Jacenko shared a photo of her bum on Instagram and it has sent her followers absolutely crazy.

The photo was just one of many from a mystery photo shoot the 37-year-old took part in this week, the purpose of which remains unclear.

“Working on something special,” Jacenko coyly wrote to her 195,000 Instagram followers. “[Here’s] a behind the scenes look.”

Considering this is the woman who’s the Director of Sweaty Betty PR, The Ministry of Talent and Pixie’s Bows all before she reaches 40, Jacenko is clearly about to release something big and, more importantly, profitable.

Perhaps a clothing line? A beauty product? …. Her own Roxy-fied version of the internet?

Literally anything is possible, but I digress. We’re all here to talk about #BumShot, and you’ve probably all scrolled right past the above paragraphs looking for the photo, so I’ll just stick to the script.

Ahem. Here is Roxy Jacenko’s bum:

Ponytail Goals ???? @lola_dennis ???? @jessicaabrahamphotography

A post shared by Roxy Jacenko (@roxyjacenko) on


Amidst Tuesday’s many photos of Jacenko grinning on set, dousing herself in fake tan, and being pampered by hair and makeup artists, #BumShot was the PR expert’s most popular photo for the entire day. It had more likes, more comments, more love than any photos sans butt cheeks. Completely and utterly shocking, I know.

To post a snap of her behind was, as per usual, a stroke of PR masterclass from the businesswoman who is both adored and reviled by the Australian public. I mean, look at what we’re all doing right now: talking about it.

But there’s another reason Jacenko shared that photo: she’s proud of her body. And so she should be.

To see snippets of Roxy’s shoots, watch below… 


Roxy Jacenko works hard for that bum. Really bloody hard. Just take a scroll through the remainder of her Instagram account and you’ll see that #BumShot actually reflects hours, weeks, months of commitment and dedication to exercise and wellbeing.

Actually, it’s even more than that.

“A cancer diagnosis at 36 will shock anyone into a health kick,” Jacenko told Mamamia today. “When my husband was sentenced to prison last year it was also a 45 minute escape from my train wreck of a life.


“Being a mother to Pixie, six, and Hunter, three, I have a duty to ensure I am fit, healthy and do whatever I can to ensure I am around for a long time for them.”

Listen: While her husband was in jail, Roxy Jacenko sat down to chat about life with Mia Freedman. (Post continues…)

Since finding out she had breast cancer in July 2016, regular weights and resistance training have become an integral part of Jacenko’s life, like they do for many recovered cancer patients who need to strengthen their bones after treatment. Soon, Jacenko will be adding pilates sessions into the mix, which will bring her tally up to four days of exercise every week.

“[Exercise is linked to my overall wellbeing] in a huge way,” Jacenko told Mamamia. “After Oli’s trial and subsequent sentencing, my breast cancer diagnosis three weeks post his incarceration and having to run three businesses, and look after two children solo, it was a huge help.

“That said, I still managed to lose my marbles totally toward month 12, but I am back now.”

And really, that’s the most important thing about that bum photo – it represents a woman who is, in Jacenko’s own words, “happy, healthy and fit.”

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