I don’t know how to people. I’ve never understood it.
Social situations are exhausting and scary to me and I hate them. Can’t we all just sit in our respective blanket forts watching TV and communicating only by tagging each other in memes?
That healthy attitude towards life is why I’ve come to enjoy Tinder.
You can literally swap Seinfeld quotes with a new cute friend while sitting on the toilet. Or in bed. Or hunched over the kitchen sink while you attack a mango that you didn’t want to put on a plate so you wouldn’t have to wash it after.
Tinder lets me socialise on my terms. As a painfully shy and ridiculously socially inept individual, I like that Tinder lets me get to know someone from the comfort of home, and not the anxiety-inducing hell that is face-to-face contact with a person you’ve never met.
Tinder is the introvert’s secret dating weapon.
Of course, you eventually have to transition from messaging while pantsless on the couch to, you know, a real life date in real life land. And that’s where it all usually falls apart for ol’ Rosie. Because I just don’t know how to people.
Why then, would I post to my pretty big social media following that I have matched with another writer who would like to go on a date with me? Why?
Ah… yeah. This whole situation may have got away from me a bit.