Missed last episode’s recap? Get on that. Read it here.
Annnnnd the producers are officially struggling to make this show interesting at this point in any way, shape or form. We open (AGAIN) on Peen Palace, with a couple of the Peen Owners passing time by playing a game of chess:
Because obviously, when left in Peen Palace with nothing to do, the boys turn to intellectual pursuits while fully dressed. We only ever saw the ladies sitting around in short-shorts bitching about each other, because ladies be silly dumb dumbs and men be all #mateship #goodaussieblokes etc etc etc
Oshie’s Hair arrives with the single date card, and gives one of the best “You’ll never have what I have” looks to Michael that I’ve ever seen:
We clearly have another time-filler episode on our hands, since the next five minutes are spent rehashing everything Davey did on his date with Bachie Queen. In case we’ve forgotten. Since yesterday. #TimeFillerEp
Lots of “What could the date clue mean/Who will be on the date card/I hope it’s me on the date card/But it might be someone else on the date card/Rosie already needs a wine because clearly nothing is going to happen tonight” etc etc etc
Richie gets the single date. Then – TWIST! – (because this is literally as exciting as this episode is going to get) Oshie leaves them with the group date card at the SAME TIME. Can you believe that?!? The single date card and the group date card being handed out at the SAME TIME?!? Well, that is just crazy talk. The Bachelorette this season is soon exciting and just refuses to follow any damn rules and isn’t this just a mile a minute and how could any episode ever get as exciting as that unexpected and surprising twist?