Okay, so it’s no secret that I would rather use my clit for dart practice than watch this show without Super Villain Keira de Vil, but this is the sad reality we now find ourselves in.
Neither do I babe.
But let’s make the best of it and hope that Channel Ten has some kind of entertainment plan. Maybe the focus will switch to slightly obsessed Single Mum Alex, who everybody knows is secretly collecting Dickie Bach’s stray ginger pubes and keeping them in a little pile under her pillow.
Find all of Rosie's Bachelor recaps here.
We open on the Girl Prisoners at night, casually sitting around just being casual in their casual clothes, except they’re all in full rose ceremony hair and make up, so you know that they just had a rose ceremony and the producers are trying to save money by forcing them to film another scene before they go to bed.
"I definitely wasn't in my cocktail dress 15 minutes ago..."
After seeing the very schmicko set of Aussie Survivor this week, I think we can assume that Queen Sandra Sully decided to allocate all the major funds to a show in which women don’t compete for men, but against them. You know, as like, equals. WHAT A CRAZY CONCEPT.
The Girl Prisoners are pretending to have a conversation while they wait for Osher’s Hair to show up. Of course the only thing they have to talk about is Keira, and how Keira “started all the drama/caused all the drama/was the reason for all the drama/now that she’s gone there’ll be way less drama” etc etc etc. Um… Yes. Exactly. Do you think we watch this show to see people fall in love? DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE THERE TO ENTERTAIN US WITH CRAY CRAY?