Okay, we are really getting to the tail-end now. There are only six Girl Prisoners left, and they all just can’t believe how lucky they are, you guys. Like, being one of only six girls left that Dickie Bach is dating? That totally makes a girl feel, like, so spesh.
Oshie’s Hair arrives and, as usual, spends two minutes telling us all the things that Dickie Bach is currently thinking, because the producers have straight-up given up on trying to get to Dickie Bach to say any words that don’t come in Fair Dinkum Aussie Slang. You just know they decided to send Oshie in after a producer was on the verge of tears, while Dickie Bach stared into the camera for his 50th take and just said, “She’s a gorgeous girl. Ah… Incredible. Um… Ah… Fair oolly-roo dinkum bananas.”
It's a genius move, really. There's no pressure on Dickie Bach to look comfortable on camera, and we get to spend more time with Oshie's Glorious Hair, which would definitely be loving its extra time out of the Channel Ten Dungeon.
Find Rosie's previous Bachelor recaps here.
The ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ girl gets tonight’s single date, and I have finally figured out that her actual human name is Faith, so I guess that's what I'll call her, although it just doesn't seem like it suits her at this point. And -SURPRISE TWIST EXCEPT NOT REALLY BECAUSE THEY’VE BEEN PLUGGING THE CRAP OUT OF IT IN THE ADS!- Hamish Blake inexplicably turns up at the Girl Prison with Dickie Bach.
Dickie Bach has now officially crossed so far over into bland territory that they are actually getting him to bring another dude on his date. Yikes.