
Rita Ora was turned away from Gordon Ramsay's restaurant because of what she was wearing.

Things got a little awkward between pop star Rita Ora and celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay as they shared the couch of a UK talk show this week.

While appearing on The Jonathan Ross Show, Ora shared that she had been turned away from one of the chef’s many restaurants because of her outfit.

“Well, actually, funny little story. I mean, I was wanting to, I mean like everybody else that wants to go eat in a Ramsay restaurant and then, I just didn’t get in,” Ora told Ramsay, and Ed Sheeran who happened to be on the couch.

(Image via YouTube.)

"I went in. I obviously — I wasn't dressed the part. I walked in and was like 'Ooh I’d love a little, like, meal, you know?' and they were just like, 'No, this isn’t happening for you.'"

So what was the 26-year-old wearing? A tracksuit and sneakers.

When asked which restaurant she visited, Ora paused, ultimately deciding not to reveal the location for fear the waitstaff would be on the receiving end of one of Ramsay's infamous sprays.

But the rejection hadn't deterred her from heading back.

Listen: Is dressing in less the best way to make a point?

"You know what? One day, can I just ask now, can I come to one of your restaurants?" she asked Ramsay, who replied, "Yes, you can" to rapturous audience applause.

"For free though!" Ora added quickly.

Yes, we think comping her a meal is the least he could do.

Note to waiters: If you're turning away patrons because of their clothes, make sure their not famous first.

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