If this is what it’s like to be famous, man, you can keep your fame.
Because being a world-famous young, hot, rick celebrity means you can’t even drive casually through the streets of Paris and get out of your shiny vehicle without a full-scale mob nearly crushing you with their love bodies. It’s intense.
This footage of 26-year-old pop-star Rihanna (RiRi for short, BadGirlRiRi on Instagram) getting out of a silver van in France may shock and disturb you. If you’re thinking of chasing fame, maybe fast-forward to around the 1.44 mark into this clip to see just how terrifying it can be to be a super-star.
And this isn’t even a scantily clad Rihanna, or Rihanna making out with a girl, or Rihanna getting around with a questionable boyfriend. This is just Rihanna trying to physically move from a car to a hotel lobby. She can’t even travel 6 metres by foot without being crushed by fans.
Watch and tell us: still wanna be famous?
Rihanna must be used to it by now – she’s been in the inner circle of pop stardom for years now.
And there are some pretty sweet perks to being famous too…
People make you giant life-sized flower sculptures of the first letter of your name:
Someone will bring you a drink and some balloons while you straighten your hair:
And you do get a bit of ordinary person privacy to celebrate your birthday by the fire…
If you’re quietly obsessed with famous people and everything they do, like us, then sneak over to Mamamia Fluff’s Facebook page and click ‘like’.
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