
He surfed a dead whale in shark-infested waters. So yes, he's an "idiot".



Yesterday, Australia gained a new poster-child for idiocy. And today, he woke up feeling sorry.

Perth man Harrison Williams made headlines everywhere after diving from a boat near Rottnest Island, WA, and jumping on to the dead whale’s body as sharks circled nearby.

 The whale carcass surrounded by sharks. Image via Sky News.

The 26-year-old Perth man has apologised if anyone was offended by his actions, saying that riding on top of the whale was a spur of the moment decision.

“I was out on the boat with the boys and one of my mates said it would be pretty funny to surf the whale so I did it,” he said.

Williams told News Limited that even his parents think he is an idiot.

“I’ve done it, I don’t need to do it again. Definitely it was a stupid act, didn’t mean to disrespect anyone, Mum thinks I’m an idiot, Dad’s not too proud either,” he said.

Harrison, listen to your parents.

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