
The 17 most tragic hair trends ever - and the rest of the week's hair news.

Yes, that’s Buffy herself wearing butterfly clips.






Hair mascara.

Spiral perms.

Butterfly clips.

The past three decades have produced some seriously terrible hair trends – and the worst part is we’re all guilty of at least one of them. (Go on – admit it)

This week over on The Glow, we dedicated some time to archiving the hair fads of bygone years – and by ‘archiving’, we mean brainstorming the most tragic of them, then ranking them in order of ridiculousness. The entire process was equal parts hilarious, humiliating and polarising. Is crimping really worse than hair mascara? Are poodle perms the most heinous crime against style, or are butterfly clips? Tough calls, friends. Very tough indeed.

But that wasn’t the only great piece of hair-related content we ran over the past seven days, so we decided to make this weekend’s ‘Health & Beauty News Wrap’ a ‘Hair Wrap’ instead. (Speaking of hair wraps – they’re included in our terrible fad list too).

Here are our four favourite posts:

The 17 silliest hair fads of all time – ranked: Please let us know if we’ve missed any trends, and how many of them you fell for in your heyday. Extra points if you wore them all together. (Spoiler alert: this post includes a photo of our publisher Mia Freedman as a crimper-obsessed 80s teenager. Just saying.)

13 things you didn’t know dry shampoo could do: Yes, you read correctly – dry shampoo is more than just your hideous day-three-hair savoir. Everyone’s favourite hair product can also serve as a grip enhancer, eyebrow thickener, and killer of shoe odour, to name just a few.

The Chop: 4 hours, 6 inches, 1 gorgeous new haircut: Would you ever walk into a salon, ask the hairdresser for a dramatic makeover, and let them decide the rest? Helena did. And you’ll love watching her new look unfold.

Lena Dunham, Emma Stone and Kimbra all have amazing hair this week: If there’s one thing we love even more than a cringe-worthy hair trend, it’s a new celebrity hairstyle. This week’s selection has been particularly exciting – we especially love Lena Dunham’s platinum blonde 60s bouffant.

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