
Richie bumped into Sam and Sasha. Things got awkward fast.

It’s been months since Richie “cool bananas” Strahan has set eyes on his former flame Sam Frost.

Since he was eliminated at the so-close-yet-so-far final three spot of 2015’s season of The Bachelorette, to be exact.

But all of that changed at last week’s 2016 Logies awards, when Richie, Sam and the eventual successful conqueror of her affections, Sacha Mielczarek were all brought together once more.

But proving themselves to be the consummate cool kids, the reunion went swimmingly well.

Speaking to NW earlier this week, the 30-year-old star of this year’s season of The Bachelor said, “I said g’day to Sam at the pre-drinks,” before adding, “It’s fantastic to see her and Sash – they look incredible together. They look so happy.”


Is this the moment they started being a couple? Source: Channel 10.

Unfortunately, Richie was tight on information about the current season of The Bachelor, and Sam wasn't happy, hoping for some insider goss.

"He was quite tight-lipped, which was disappointing,” the radio host said sadly.

But he did offer one tantalising hint of what we can expect from the season ahead, saying those wanting to know the outcome of the show, “can probably tell by the smile on my face!”

richie strahan the bachelor

The trio together on The Bachelorette. Source: Channel 10

And apparently the abseiler rope access technician has been cut off from the outside world since the announcement of his role was announced in March.

So when Sam went on the record to declare her fierce loyalty for Richie, the Bachie-in-training missed it all.

“If you want to get your claws into Richie, you better not be one of those opportunists,” Sam said at the time, before adding that the eventual chosen one will face a serious grilling.

richie strahan the bachelor

Sam and Richie on what was arguably the date of the season. Source: Channel 10.

“I’m going to make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons, you actually genuinely like him and you’re not just doing it to try and benefit off it, boost your profile,” she warned.

Sharing the news of Sam's solidarity on the red carpet, Richie appeared positively chuffed.

“Wow, how nice is that?" he said before remarking, "she’s an absolute sweetheart. That’s really beautiful to hear, it’s really heartwarming.”

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