
Richard Wilkins leaves the Today set after Sylvia Jeffreys cracks a joke about him on-air.

Richard Wilkins’ unchanging hair has long been the subject of light-hearted mocking from his Today show colleagues.

However, Wednesday morning Sylvia Jeffreys may have taken the joke one step too far, with ‘Dickie’ Wilkins walking off the set after the host compared his famous ‘do to that of a dinosaur.

The entertainment reporter was sitting at the desk when a trending clip was played of a child excitedly trying to get his mum to look at something on TV – apparently a tyrannosaurus rex.

“Maybe it’s Dickie’s hair!” Sylvia joked as the clip ended.

“Oh Sylvia,” Richard responded.

Sylvia continued, saying “well it is the T-Rex- oh no that’s the other one – the stegosaurus.”

Dickie was still laughing along at this stage, but it was the cheeky suggestion made by co-host Tim Gilbert that Sylvia was calling Dickie an extinct animal that set the veteran reporter off.

Laughing along. (Image via Today Show.)

"Are you saying Dickie is a dinosaur?" co-host Tim joked.

Sylvia quickly back-tracked, replying "I'm saying he has got magnificent hair," but it was too late, as Wilkins threw his hands up and stood up from his seat.

Listen to the newest episode of The Binge to hear all about the other controversial TV moments of the week.

However, there didn't appear to be any hard feelings - although there may have been some hurt ones - as he walked off the set with a slight smile.

He answered Sylvia's calls of "Dickie, we love you" and "your hair looks magnificent" with, "Thank you, Sylvia, yours too".

Dickie was still smiling as he walked off set. (Image via Today Show.)

The 30-year-old then joked that maybe he'd gone to get some more hair spray.

A Channel Nine spokesperson confirmed no damage had been done when Mamamia reached out to the Today Show for comment.

"It was definitely a joke. The pair are great mates," the spokesperson said.

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