
Prepare to feel crappy about your lame, helicopter-deficient life.



Your new reason to weep for the youth of today/generally cry about not having nice things is here.

Rich Kids of Instagram is so 2012 – it’s all about the Rich Kids of Snapchat now.

If social media isn’t already making you feel insecure about your crappy helicopter-deficient life, Rich Kids of Snapchat will pretty much lock that down for you.

An anonymous moderator gets rich kids to send in pics of their lavish lives over Snapchat. Those pictures are then posted to the “What happens at private school goes on Snapchat” Facebook page, which now has over 240,000 likes.

Here are some of the (horrifying but sickening jealousy-inducing) examples:

iPhone chair-stabiliser, anyone?


#richkidproblems :(


School sux:


Check out the rest of the pictures here (and don’t pretend like you don’t want to look at every one):





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