
Are your finances still working for you?

Choice Home Loans
Thanks to our brand partner, Choice Home Loans

Or are you working for your finances?

It’s funny how with home loans, we spend so much energy, time and effort around securing that first loan; saving so hard for so many years and focusing so much on finding our first home. And then: nothing. We buy our home, assume everything is locked in and stays the same forever, and we go about our merry way paying off our mortgage indefinitely. At least it certainly feels that way.

And yet, our mortgage, like any other expense, can and should be regularly reviewed to ensure that it still fits our circumstances, and is still working for us.

We review other financial commitments– insurance, service providers we are signed up to – and yet we tend to ignore the one financial decision we’ve made that has the biggest impact on our lives and could potentially save us thousands of dollars.

However, there is something really simple that you can do to shake yourself out of this kind of complacency when it comes to your home loan. Visit a mortgage broker.

Yep, you heard that right. Visiting a mortgage broker isn’t just something you do when you get your loan. It can be something you do during the course of your loan, at regular intervals, to check in with where you’re at, and assess whether your current set up is still the most competitive rate and the best fit for your needs. A home loan health check, if you like.

So if you knew you could secure better rates, or a new structure that suited your lifestyle, and consequently saved you thousands of dollars, would you do it? Of course you would. Well, Choice Home Loans has made it easy for you by offering a service by the name of a Home Loan Health Check.

The Home Loan Health Check is designed to help you review your finances, at any stage. You might be an established homeowner, looking to renovate or upgrade, or a first time homebuyer.


The Home Loan Health Check is a great way to make sure you’re taking advantage of historically low interest rates, and ensure you have the deal that suits you. Choice Home Loans provides you with sound advice through a free (and stress-free) home loan health check service with a local Choice Home Loans broker. Choice Home Loans brokers have access to up to 30 home lenders with competitive rates and products. This means they know the market and the products out there, and are best placed to assess your needs and advise on the solution that works for you.

Your Choice Home Loans mortgage broker is someone you can form a long-term relationship with. Someone who can regularly help you to ensure you’re getting the very best options for yourself and your family.

And as an added incentive, when you take a Home Loan Health Check, you are eligible to go in the draw to win a cash prize of $10,000. What more motivation do you need?

Don’t ignore the one financial health check that could potentially have the biggest impact of all. Book a Home Loan health check with a Choice Home Loans broker today and stop putting it off.

Whether you already own your home, you’re looking to renovate or upgrade, or you’re a first time homebuyer, there’s something you need to see.

Have you ever reviewed your home loan?


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