
What our favourite retro board games should be called.

If there’s one thing in life that’s certain, it’s that Monopoly will always result in a fight.

Whether it be slammed doors, a sulk or two, or just downright flipping the board off the table, it’s the game that can cause a rift among family members that might last for weeks.

Growing up, our family board game nights became synonymous with two things: good intentions and terrible tantrums. We always started out helping each other out, but in the end it was cut-throat, each-to-their-own, fight-to-the-death competition.

Our clever friends over at have come up with the names we’d use for our favourite board games if we were being honest. We think they’re pretty spot on:

1. Family Fight Night (A.K.A Monopoly).

2. In A Month You'll Only Have Three Marbles (aka Hungry Hungry Hippos).

3. This Will Never Work (aka Mouse Trap).

Watch the vintage Mouse Trap ad below. Post continues after video.

Video via VintageC OmPlus

4. This Game Could Be Played With Two Sheets Of Paper And A Pen (aka Battleships).

5. How To Find Out That Everybody Went To A Better School Than You (aka Scrabble).

6. The Game Of Hiding Out In Australia Until The Very End (aka Risk).

7. You Think This Game Will End In Sex But It Won't (aka Twister).

Watch the video below of an ad for Twister that aired in the '60s. Post continues after video.


8. The Game Of Yelling And Bookkeeping (aka Yahtzee).

Fun fact: "Bookkeeping" is the only word in the English language with three pairs of letters next to each other. "Oo" "kk" and "ee".

9. You'll Say Sorry But What You Really Mean Is "#%@$" You (aka Sorry).

10. It's A Coil. Enjoy That (aka Slinky).

Not exactly a board game, but still hours upon hours of endless entertainment.

Watch the '60s slinky ad below (with a theme tune straight out of your nightmares). Post continues after.

11. Straight Line, Straight Line, Straight Line, Square (aka Etch-A-Sketch).

Let us know some other ideas for honest board game names in the comments below.

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