
When the customer is just... wrong. The thread that sums up working in hospitality or retail.


There’s a special brand of contempt retail and hospitality workers harbour for humanity, and as any service staffer will know, this is 100 per cent… warranted.

Whether it’s being yelled at by a patron or customer many years your senior, trying to maintain your patience while explaining why you can’t return underwear or having a first-year law student explain to you the complexities of consumer law (a personal favourite), these are the character-building lessons you won’t learn anywhere else.

So when Twitter user @WelshDalaiLama asked the internet to share their stories of when a customer has gotten things “spectacularly wrong,” hundreds of people came forward with their battle wounds.

Because the phrase “the customer is always right,” was most definitely invented by an… idiot.


Here’s what they said.








Can you relate? Group therapy is open in the comments.

This article was originally published in April 2019 and has since been updated. 

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