Let me explain our point scoring system (although I have a feeling that lots of parents will be familiar with their own version). In our marriage, points are awarded for time spent looking after our baby on our own, while the other spouse enjoys the highly-prized pursuit of ‘free time’.
For me, this free time might be spent strolling around the shops, enjoying the ability to try on clothes or stop for a coffee. Or it might be spent exercising, reading or even just sleeping. For my husband, free time usually consists of a trip to Bunnings.
I must add a caveat at this point – we adore our beautiful baby. We feel extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to play, teach and learn from our little boy and are constantly grateful to be able share our lives with him. We also love spending time as a couple. But that does not mean that we don’t crave the forbidden pleasure of free time. Given that for more than 30 years we enjoyed all of the freedoms available to young, unencumbered individuals, is it really surprising that it is at such a premium these days? Which brings us back to the point scoring system.
Big points are up for grabs when my husband or I need a day out on a weekend for social activities. A day of golf can be devastating for my husband’s tally and I have to think twice about spending a couple of hours getting my hair done. Just Cuts has benefitted considerably from our system. Points are so precious that any time consuming activity has to be very worthwhile to risk losing so many; a hen’s day = yes. A day hungover after a big night out = no.