
Rebecca Gibney's worst fear for her son just came true.

She tried everything to talk him out of it.

She might be a Gold Logie-winning actress, but that’s not the fate Rebecca Gibney ever wanted for her 10-year-old son, Zac Bell.

Until she was left with no other choice.

The 50-year-old mum has revealed that Zac will be making his debut on Channel Seven’s crime drama, Winter. Rebecca says she “tried everything” to talk him out of an acting career, but gave in when he impressed producers all by himself, having stayed out of the casting process.

Zac had been begging his mum and set designer husband, Richard, for a job since they launched their own production company last year. Talk about impressive goals for a 10-year-old.

Rebecca with her son Zac.

“Ever since he was little, even when we lived in Tasmania, he absolutely idolised (the late Crocodile Hunter) Steve Irwin. He would go out on his own and go ‘right, we’re in the Tasmanian wilderness and looking for the wild wombats’ or whatever it was he was pretending to stalk. Seriously, he’s always been like that and wanted to have his own nature show,” Gibney told News Corp Australia.

When Zac scored his role as the nephew of the show’s murder victim, he immediately began practicing lines with his mum to prepare himself. “I said to him, ‘okay, darling you have to do this by yourself, I’m leaving...and they cast him. The director said ‘he’s a natural.’”

Rebecca with her son Zac when he was born. Via Instagram.

But even though his mum is a famous actress, it doesn’t mean Zac will be getting any special treatment. “There were a couple of days where they were long hours and I could see him getting tired. Then he came up to me and said ‘can we go home soon?’ and I said, ‘are you talking to me as mum, or as a producer, because the producer says you’re not going home until you’ve done the job. He’d say, ‘well can I have another donut?’ and I’d say, as a mum, ‘no you can’t.”

Zac says the best advice he’s been given by his mum is “don’t act. She said it needs to be real. In that moment it’s reality so nothing else matters.” The young go-getter plans to join his school’s drama club and become a TV presenter.

Gushing a little about her son, Rebecca said, “he’s actually a really respectful, lovely boy and I’m very proud of that. He’s very polite and hopefully he sticks with those traits and doesn’t become a diva!”

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery for pictures of Rebecca and her family...

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