
"Why I will never apologise for getting botox."

I’m a mum of two babies aged two and under. As a family, we’ve been on one full time income for nearly 2.5 years now. And last week I got botox. And I spent a couple of hundred dollars on it.

A waste of money you say? How selfish of me? What right do I have to spend our hard-earned money on something as frivolous as that?

I know some of you are thinking something along those lines. And you know what? I don’t give a f*ck.

I work, from home, as a freelance writer and blogger. I do it with at least one of our kids around at all times, if not both of them, and it’s a constant juggle. My husband and I both work damn hard for our money. We push ourselves daily to give our kids the best and create the best life possible for them.

Siobhan working from home. Image supplied.

I strongly believe that to be a good mum I need to feel good myself. WITHIN myself, most importantly. But also, ABOUT myself.



My body and mind have been through a lot in the last two and a half years. Having our babies 17 months apart was tough, no doubt about it. I wouldn’t change it, not for the world.

But after having such a long stretch of being pregnant, post partum, breastfeeding, pregnant again, post partum again and yet more breastfeeding, I’m only just now starting to get a bit of ‘me time’ back.  

I’ve learned, the hard way, that I need to look after myself as well, so that I can take care of my family the best I can. I try to exercise when I can. I eat well, but also have a decent Kit Kat and red wine habit (mmmm...).


When it comes to my ‘beauty routine’, it’s pretty sad these days. I don't use expensive creams and attend regular hair appointments. I’ve embraced my natural hair colour (goodbye bottle blonde…) and done away with the gym memberships as I can exercise with the equipment we have at home.

But I have these deep worry lines on my forehead that have been there for at least 10 years. And of course, kids have the uncanny ability to help you age double time - so these worry lines of mine have definitely come into their own the last year or two. They bother me. A lot.

Siobhan's two kids aged 2 and 9 months. Image supplied.

We’re heading overseas next week, our first trip overseas as a family and a very belated honeymoon of sorts for my husband and I. And I wanted to feel good and look good for it.

Yes, I guess that’s vain. My husband says I look beautiful without the botox. But it just makes me feel better, you know? And us mums deserve a little pick me up and reward from time to time, for our own sanity.

I would never judge another mum for spending money on herself or taking some much needed time out - whether it’s a gym membership, a facial or massage, personal training or a weekend away with the girls, it keeps us sane and we should never feel guilty about indulging in it.

We mums get so caught up in looking after our kids that we neglect our own health. We need to make ourselves a priority. 

Yes, I spent money on botox but I'll never apologise for that. Because when I feel better I am a better mum. Full f*cking stop.

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