Before kids I was always so amazed by mums. They seemed to have it all together. Sure, they would tell their kids off, but they seemed to have everything so in control. They had their mummy sh*t together.
I’m almost at the 10-month mark of being a mum. Let me tell you, what happens on the outside is a very different world to what happens on the inside.
Listen: Holly Wainwright and Andrew Daddo ask their kids to give them a performance review, on This Glorious Mess. Post continues after audio…
While I may say one thing to my 10 month old as I find her drenched in water from the dog bowl, what I’m thinking… well, it isn’t very appropriate for a 10 month old.
I’m sure I’m not the only one. I’m sure I’m not the only one who says the following things (to my daughter and my nieces) but thinks something entirely different. (Warning: it wouldn’t be the truth if there weren’t a few F bombs coming.)